Thursday, December 5, 2013

Honor, Learning and Self-Government

I read a newsletter from Hillsdale College entitled “Impremis”.  Hillsdale College is the premier “political science” college in America.  In this most recent edition, (October 2013, Volume 42, Number 10) Mr. John Marini, a professor of political science at the University of Nevada-Reno gave a speech on September 26 at Hillsdales’ Kirby Center in Washington DC in which he discusses what has happened to our political structure in Washington DC.

Our founding fathers envisioned a government for the people and by the people.  They did, however, realize that true “democracy” which involves every political decision being made by majority rule, would be impossible with the communication system they had in place at that time, so the concept of a republic, where duly elected individuals would represent a constituency group in the decision making process and that constituency would have access to the representative to voice their opinions on policy.  The original constitutional limitations placed on those representatives were deliberate as our founding fathers did not want a situation where there was any one person, or even a body of persons, making random decisions for all.

That original concept has been thrown out the window in Washington DC.  Our current government is NOT a true Republican representation it has become an Administration.  This is EXACTLY what our founding fathers wanted safeguards against!  In the following quotes the capitalized words, midsentence, are mine for emphasis.

As Charles R. Kesler wrote in his publication “Claremont Review of Books” (1) in regard to the Affordable Care Act :
  “(such laws) start not from equal rights but from equal (and often unequal) privileges, the favors or benefits that government may bestow on or withhold from its clients.  The whole point is to empower government officials, usually UNELECTED and unaccountable bureaucrats, to bless or curse your petitions as they see fit, guided, of course, by their expertness in  law so vast, so intricate and so capricious that it could justify a hundred different outcomes in the same case.
  When law ceases to be a common standard of right and wrong and a common measure to decide all controversies, then the rule of law ceases to be REPUBLICAN and becomes DESPOTIC.  Freedom itself ceases to be a RIGHT and becomes a gift, or the fruit of a corrupt bargain, because in such degraded regimes those who are closest to and connected with the ruling class HAVE special privileges.” (2)

Mr. Marini adds to this assessment that “Congress has become a major player in the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE precisely by SURRENDERING its constitutional purpose and ceasing to defend limited government.” (3)

We, the people of America, do not any longer have a congressional body that works FOR all of us, instead we have inclusive a legislative, judicial and executive branches who ADMINISTER to us as though we all were recalcitrant children who have no knowledge of how to rule ourselves!  According to Mr. Marini we lost the “governance” of our political system in 1965 and it has effectively been replace since with an “administration” of mostly Unelected bureaucrats … and Congress, instead of MAKING laws spends most of its time, in “oversight” and “administration” of the government.

So, what difference does it make to the common person?  LOADS!  For one thing, your elected officials don’t give a rat’s ass about you; they only care about the profits in their personal portfolios.  Ever wonder why Big Fossil Fuel, Big Chemistry, Big Agribusiness, Big Pharmaceutical and Banks get away with so much?  Because NO ONE in congress at this time is NOT a “millionaire” and they vote for their OWN profits not what is best for everyone.  Now before I get accused of being a crackpot, I’m sure there are a few, damned few, people in congress who actually still have a conscience and believe in the oath they took to uphold the constitution, but they are NOT the majority.  It would never surprise me if anyone came forward and said that those in public office were actually threatened in some way by their multi-billion dollar industrial “partners” into making decisions to favor those industrial partners.  Ever wonder why Ross Perot “quit” his bid for president?  Because his family was threatened!  Currently politics is a very dirty business.  We’ve all seen the mud slinging ads of one side of the campaign against the other.  And I understand the desire to stay home instead of go out and vote when it is rather obvious that the candidates are crooks.  Look at Mitt Romney.  If he was squeaky clean why would he refuse to make his tax returns public?  Why doe he have more than one “off shore” bank account?  Exactly what does he have to hide?

I also understand the majority of Americans grew up in the Public School System which has been under control for over 100 years by those who want a nation of placid sheep instead of people capable of ruling themselves and making their own decisions.  Do you think that advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio and television is NOT a psychological trap?  That advertising focuses on “selling” products and not on selling a way of life?  If you do, you ARE a sheep.  Advertising is the largest use of psychological warfare ever evidenced in the world!

So … what can YOU do about it?  Find out where the local office of your federally elected officials is located.  Get their phone number, fax number and email addresses as well as their physical address.  Read their “newsletters”.  Find out all you can about who is in office and BUG THE SHIT out of them; my three senators HATE hearing from me, only because I’m up their butts all the time.  Express your opinion on EVERYTHING.  Not to your family or neighbors or co-worker but to your elected officials.  Complaining to your peers doesn’t do anything but waste air and time.  Complain where it just might do a little good, TO your elected officials.

“America the land of the free and the home of the brave” … not in the last 100 years it isn’t!  It is the land of the complacent and the home of the sheep!  Are you an intelligent, sensitive, open minded and conscientious human being or are you a sheep?  Are you capable of making decisions for yourself or do you let the political system and television make your decisions for you?  I quit reading newspapers 35 years ago.  I quit watching broadcast television 25 years ago.  I was never complacent to sit and listen to the teachers and do only what I was required to get past school.  I am NOT a “product” of the industrial-school/political suppression regime.  I can read, I think for myself and I act.  It’s time all American’s wake up and understand you’ve been “played”.  Throw off your conditioning, your programming, and start making your own decisions.  If you don’t like how something works, find out who has the ability to change it and bug them.  Write to them, telephone them, send them emails, contact their competitors and complain. 

If every 5th person who goes to Walmart or Sam’s Club would simply change stores we’d get rid of a business propagated on greed and prejudice in less than 2 years.  Sam Walton had a great idea, but his sons are nothing but greedy.  They don’t care about their employees, they don’t care about the communities in which they build their stores, they don’t even care about their customers all they care about is their own bottom line.  But that bottom line disappears when people boycott the store and spend their money elsewhere.

The same holds true for political situations.  If you don’t like the way the federal government does something, petition your state government to change the way they do business to defy the feds.  The Constitution of the United States is still the rule for law in this country and states rights still supersede federal rights.  Get on your state Senators and Congressmen’s backs and make them make the right decisions.  Our government got the way it is because YOU, citizen of the USA have ALLOWED them to get away with it.  It’s time to EARN your so called “freedom”.  It does come with a price; INVOLVEMENT!  Freedom isn’t free you have to work to protect it.  And right now, we need protection FROM our own federal government!

(1) Kesler, Charles A., Claremont Review of Books, 2013
(2) Marini, John,  “Budget Battles and the Growth of Administrative State”, Imprimis, October 2013 Volume 42, Number 10
(3)”Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College”

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What modern government does this sound like to you?

When in the course of human history it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all humanity was created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among humanity deriving their JUST power FROM the consent of the GOVERNED, that whenever any form of government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such PRINCIPLES and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their SAFETY and HAPPINESS.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.  HOWEVER, when a long train of ABUSES and USURPATIONS, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM, it is their RIGHT, it is their DUTY, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.  Such has been the patient suffering of our people and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former system of government.  The history of the present congress/president is a history of repeated  INJURIES and USURPATIONS all having in direct object the establishment of an ABSOLUTE TYRANNY over these states.  To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

It has refused ASSENT to LAWS, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.  It has forbidden its governors to pass laws of PRIVACY and SOVEREIGNTY against central government.  It has ignored the right of the people to have representation, instead catering to the whims of the Corporations who invest in their election campaigns.  It has passed rulings by Executive Order that  mandate invasion of private persons through covert operative methods, whether or not those persons are suspect in any way.  By Executive Order, not due process of law, mandates police searches even upon non-suspect citizens. It has promulgated an atmosphere of fear and persecution from without the sovereign borders with manufactured evidence to support the claims.  It has effected to RENDER THE MILITARY independent of and superior to the Civil law with the formation of Homeland Security.  They have OBSTRUCTED THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, by passing laws and statutes which exempt certain CORPORATIONS from the rule of the judiciary.  They have erected a multitude of New Offices (Homeland Security and the NSA) and sent swarms of officers to harass our people and make them afraid of their neighbors and the government itself. They are keeping among us in times of peace Standing Armies without the consent of the people.  Imposing, at the behest of CORPORATIONS the suppression of FREE TRADE and SOVEREIGNTY OF LAND for our farmers forcing them to purchase seed ONLY from the Corporatocracy.  Imposing taxes on those who can not afford them and allowing PERSONS and CORPORATIONS who can afford to not only NOT pay taxes but eat up UNDESERVED funds FROM the tax payers.

In every stage of these Oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble of terms and are IGNORED.  A ruling body whose character is thus marked in every act which may define TYRANNY is UNFIT to be the ruler of a FREE PEOPLE.

For those of you who do NOT recognize the expressions here ... that's a paraphrase of our own DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE as was delivered to King George III in 1776.   There aren't a whole lot of changes.

For a tyrant to come to power over a people the only thing necessary is for the people to do NOTHING.

Food As A Political Weapon: The USDA’s Suicide Seed, the WTO & Agra-Terrorism

Food As A Political Weapon: The USDA’s Suicide Seed, the WTO & Agra-Terrorism

If you think there is not a growing "Corpratocracy" in our world today ... you are BLIND.  NO population is safe.  We can't depend on our GOVERNMENTS because the Corporations OWN them all.

If we ALL don't start fighting back, we will ALL DIE together.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Who is really paying the price tag?

I don't think anyone in America, if they give it a single second thought, believes our government has in mind, the "protection" of the general population.  I don't think anyone, who gives it a single second thought, has any illusions that our country has not become a Police State.  What everyone seems to be unaware of is exactly who is running our government.  It isn't the President or Congress ...

It is NOT the President or Congress ...

I'll let that sink in for a while ...

Our country is run by the biggest 5 industries in the world:  Banking, Fossil Fuel, Agriculture-Business,  Chemistry, and Pharmaceuticals!

The wealthiest people in the world are wealthy not because they worked their asses off for what they have but because they LEVERAGED their original incomes on the labor of others.  It's called "INVESTING".  Now, according to the Tax Policy Center, about 48% of all Americans who file taxes will not pay or will receive rebates because they are poor, have dependents  are elderly or any combination of the three.  However, there are tax breaks for people not in those categories   People who have education loans to pay, get a break, some types of dividends are also nontaxable.   Now Dividends are money earned by loaning your money to someone else, usually in the form of government bearer bonds.

So, for all the people belly aching about how the rich get away with "murder" where their taxes are concerned, ah no, that's not really true.  The proof is in the facts, easily 49% of the country DOESN'T PAY TAXES AT ALL so the other 51% has to make up for it.  About half of them pay LESS tax than the 1% who are filthy disgusting rich with no deductions to win back any of it.

BUT ... let's talk about business and corporate taxes now.  Businesses and corporations doing business in the United States pay taxes too.  Actually they pay more taxes than any individual ever will.  And that makes sense as they take up most of the resources.  HOWEVER,  what about the big 5?  Let's take a look.

According to the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, GigaOm analyst Adam Lesser, buried in a 2011 report from the International Energy Agency says that the fossil fuel industry receives subsidies  via "at least 250 mechanisms."[1] (  No wonder no one, even the IRS actually KNOWS how much the fossil fuel industry gets from us!

What about the biggest THIEF in all the world; Banking.?  Well,  Per Washingtonsblog, the subsidies include:
  • #360 billion in Federal Reserve subsidies;
  • $120 billion in federal deposit insurance;
  • $100 billion in government-guaranteed loans;
  • “At least $100 billion in monopolistic advantages in the secondary market for home mortgages.”
  • More than $100 billion in fees in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivative market.
The total?  More than $780 billion a year.(  Think this had anything to do with Richard Nixon taking us off the "gold standard" back on April 15, 1971?  If your answer is "no" you're an idiot!
I really don't want to get on my soap-box about the AG-Industry.  Suffice it to say Monsanto and their cronies want to kill most of us with their poison seeds, but BESIDES the fact that Obama just signed a "Stay out of Jail-Free" card for them, lets look at the subsidies to the Ag-Industry, and remember less than 1% of any of this money goes to what is the backbone of American history; the Family Owned and Operated Farm.  According to an article at Environmental Working Group published on "":

  • $277.3 billion in subsidies 1995-2011.
  • $172.3 billion in commodity subsidies.
  • $46.6 billion in crop insurance subsidies.
  • $37.0 billion in conservation subsidies.
  • $21.4 billion in disaster subsidies.
  • 62 percent of farms in United States did not collect subsidy payments - according to USDA.
  • Ten percent collected 75 percent of all subsidies.
  • Amounting to $172.2 billion over 17 years.
  • Top 10%: $31,400 average per year between 1995 and 2011.
  • Bottom 80%: $594 average per year between 1995 and 2011.
I want you to look closely at the 172.3 BILLION dollars to subsidize "commodity".  That means for the people who handle the food AFTER it is grown, their involvement was subsidized more than TWICE AS MUCH as anything to do with GROWING the food.  Why in Hell does a warehouse for raw grain need a subsidy?  Or Hershey, Smith Foods, Nestles, Kellog, Pillsbury, National Foods, ConAgra Foods, B&G Foods, ( )

"Life is Better Through Chemistry" was the slogan of one of our largest chemical companies, but I don't exactly remember who it was.  I THINK it was DuPont ... who gave us "Agent Orange" and THE most deadly poison known to man; dioxin.  According to "Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly # 463, published in October 12, 1995, Dow Chemical invented a way to bust salt apart to give free oxygen and sodium, then they figured out how to bond the oxygen to hydrocarbons which when burned create dioxins, a substance that does not exist in nature.( ).  So, let's see what our lovely government gives the chemical industry:  I found it very difficult to find any specific numbers for any specific company that "specializes" in chemicals but that's because the government "funds" programs aimed at types of activities within industry not the industry itself.  According to a report created by Stephen Slivinski (available here: ) the federal government created a grant for "research and development" that was INTENDED to boost public sector investment in research and development but the truth, according to Mr. Slivinski is that those businesses who apply for the grant DO NOT also apply for public sector research funds, they translate their other incomes into other parts of their businesses instead of increasing their R&D budgets!  And this is NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURE!!!
Our government provides ABSOLUTELY NO OVERSIGHT on their spending!  There is no government in the WORLD qualified to make technological predictions accurately in a free market world.

And finally we have government support of the drug industry.  Do you realize that the biggest DEALER in the "drug wars" is the US GOVERNMENT?  I'm not talking about back room deals to supply the Columbian drug lords with funds or guns so we can take out the Taliban, I'm talking about the billions and billions of dollars the US Government pays in grants and subsidies to the Pharmaceutical industry.  The 'scare' tactics both the government and the industry use to make us dependent on their poisons.  Do you realize more than half of all drugs on the market today are solely for the purpose of counteracting the side effects of other drugs?  It's true. Let's see:  
According to Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the lobby organization of the drug industry has been running a scare tactic on Capitol Hill for years that is based on pure fabrication.  They report that their R&D budgets run in the area of 50 BILLION dollars a year for both successful and failure attempts.  The Truth is it's closer to 10 Billion because much of that R&D funding actually comes from FEDERAL GRANTS and also a lot of it comes from the private sector.  Add to this the idiotic situation that the testing of a new drug is NOT done by the FDA but by the company that requests the stamp of approval.  All the FDA does is "review" the findings.  The tests are NOT done by independent laboratories, NOT by the FDA itself but BY THE COMPANY ASKING FOR THE APPROVAL.  Can you add two and two and come up with four?  Then tell me what's wrong with this picture?

So, who is really paying the price tag for the Big 5 industries to kill you and your family, or enslave them to the credit treadmill?   YOU ARE! 

[1] "Today in Green IT: The fossil fuel subsidy game" GigaOm, January 3, 2012.

Friday, March 22, 2013
This pipeline may leak up to 100 times in it's existence dumping the most poisonous crude oil into the Oglala Aquifer, which waters 5 STATES.  Make congress say NO to the Oil Industry and especially this pipeline.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

End Gendercide Manifesto

End Gendercide Manifesto

Any government that sactions harm to its female population is risking loosing 50% of its human STRENGTH.  Join us in fighting for gender equality.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Get Deadly Poisons Off Store Shelves

Get Deadly Poisons Off Store Shelves

D-Con poisons are NOT EPA approved but some stores are still selling them.  they kill rats and mice but they can also KILL YOUR CHILDREN  and family pets as well as 2nd generation wildlife.  Hawks, eagles, bobcats, cougars and foxes eat the poisoned rodents and die excruciating bleeding out deaths.

Sign the petition and get D-con off the shelves!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Don't Let Genetically Engineered Salmon Out of the Lab

Don't Let Genetically Engineered Salmon Out of the Lab
If you don't care what dangers may lie in your food, I feel sorry for your blissful ignorance.  NO GMO seed or food has proven safe for human consumption nor for those who raise these monsters.  Check the statistics yourself.  Monsanto began producing GMO seed about 20 years ago and the rise in Diabetes, Obesity in children, heart problems, food allergies AND Autism have been on an alarming rise FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS.  I do not see this as "coincidence" but more as "cause and effect."
I very strongly urge you to boycott GMO products, buy ONLY certified organic or grow and or catch it yourself.  Vote FOR truth in labeling and watch for announcements to boycott specific suppliers who support the production of GMO products.  There are a minimum of 16 countries around the world with bans or restrictions on GMO products.  Don't play roulette with your health or the health of your family, campaign against GMO at all and for labelling of all consumer products that contain GMO sources.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Don't Let Genetically Engineered Salmon Out of the Lab

Don't Let Genetically Engineered Salmon Out of the Lab

A agri-science company has already released genetically altered mosquitos into the wild, don't elet Monsanto do the same with Salmon.  Sign the petition!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tell Congress: Protect Wolves in the Lower 48

Tell Congress: Protect Wolves in the Lower 48

Ranchers and Farmers want to kill wolves for the erroneous belief they kill sheep and cattle.  They're dead wrong!  Wolves only go after domestic animals when their wild pray is scarce.  Wolves are NO Threat to livestock!