Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reject Keystone XL 2.0

Reject Keystone XL 2.0
The Oglalla Aquifer is the largest underground lake in the world but its waters can be PERMENANTLY polluted by this pipeline.  Tar sand is the WORST source of oil, deadly in its raw form and energy and pollution heavy in its refinement.  The days of coal and oil are OVER.  It's time to stand up for a continuation of planet earth and the human population, not the continued greed of a handful of corporations.  The jobs issue?  Is it worth the lives of 3.5 MILLION people to put a few thousand to work for only 2 or so years?  I don't think so.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A question was asked: "First of all, a writer needs to have a thirst for life and for living".

I don't know if "a thirst for life and living" is exactly what drives me but being a student of human behavior is definitely part of it.  I call myself a 'people collector'.  When I have an experience of someone "different" I catalog them, in my mind and sometimes in a file.  I love meeting new people because it adds to my store of inspiration.  I've often said that writing inspiration is not a river or a well, it's a cistern.  The difference between a well and a cistern is that a well fills up by itself, to take water out of a cistern you have to put it in, in the first place.  Without my store of knowledge of people and places and cultures, I wouldn't have anything from which to draw my inspirations and conclusions.  Fiction isn't about the "5w's and an h"  it's about the sixth w "what IF".  Without a store of knowledge beyond ones own mundane life experiences, imagining that what if is very hard, nigh impossible to do.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Should kids be taught to read to a test or for pleasure?

Have you noticed that a lot of kids today, in America, do not read for the pleasure of reading?  Maybe it is because their schools do not encourage reading for pleasure, only for the tests they have to take every year.  Forcing children to read for a test and not for the joy of reading is not a good idea but the LOVE of books and reading begins with the home. 

Whether a child starts to read for themselves at 4 or not until they're 7 isn't the issue.   A love of reading comes from being "read to".  I've read to my children since BEFORE they were born.  I read to my daughter almost every night until she was 14 years of age.  Yes, I said 14.  But I started reading aloud to both her and her brother while they were still in the womb.  I read to my son, not at bedtime, he has ADHD, but an hour or so before bed, every night until he was 8.  After that, he read to himself and didn't need my help.

Parents who do not read to their children before the child is old enough to read for themselves will have kids who do not want to read for pleasure.  My daughter loves books.  She reads for pleasure every chance she gets.  All through school she carried her necessary books and at least one she was reading just because she wanted to.  Also reading to your child and helping them read to you gives them better diction and improves their comprehension so they can read "above their grade level". 

There are a lot of things schools can do to encourage reading.  My daughter's elementary school had a contest for reading for pleasure.  The child who read the most books in every grade won a small prize and the child who read the most books in the entire year won a really nice prize.  One year that was my daughter.  She won a nice portable radio/cd/tape player!  But more importantly, she was reading three to five "grade levels" above the grade she was in.  The knowledge of the book read was tested to be sure the child actually read or heard the book, but that was the only point of the test.  Even the kids who didn't win, had bragging rights and the entire school could see who was in the lead because they had a 'race track' above the message board in the cafeteria with little paper horses with the child's name on it and everyone could watch as the horses raced for the end of the year.  The "track" was marked in tens of books.  Also the kids encouraged each other and were allowed to help each other when one got stuck on a word in their book.  This contest was a way that our county school board encouraged reading for pleasure.  They're still doing it and my daughter is now 24 years old.

One of the problems with the current American public school system is that for many years now children are being taught to "sight read" instead of learning to sound out their words.   Those taught to sight read do not learn new words as quickly as those taught to sound out words.  Both my children learned to read at home.  I taught them to sound out their words while their school taught them to sight read.  Both of my children were reading first year college level books while still in seventh grade!

Reading and basic math are the two single most important things any person can learn.  If you can read and sound out new words your world is limitless.  Basic math gives you the skill to live every day.  We don't need Algebra, Calculus or Physics knowledge to live everyday, they're basically just a language for what our brains can do from experience.  Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is all the math you need to survive.

The single most important thing anyone needs to be truly free is the ability to read and comprehend their own written language.  If you can read and understand what you read, there are no limits on what you can do or who you can become.  Everything else comes from reading.

Friday, November 16, 2012

IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare

IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare

North Korea plans a "scientific" hunt for minke whales, an endangered species.  Their plan will kill these graceful sentient beings.  Please sign and send the letter asking them not to do this.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Save Tiny Atlantic Fish and the Wildlife That Need Them

Save Tiny Atlantic Fish and the Wildlife That Need Them

The Menhaden is a foundation fish, useless to humans for food but over fished for things like fertilizer and pet food.  Without the menhaden, blue whales, many significant sea birds and even bluefin tuna, one of America's favorite food fishes!  So, no manhaden, no tuna salad!  The commercial fishing of this tiny little fish has caused a 90% drop in their essential population.   Sign the letter and save our oceans!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reject the NRA's Lead-poisoning Legislation

Reject the NRA's Lead-poisoning Legislation

Thousands of birds and animals are poisoned every year by lead fragments of ammunition used in sport hunting.  Also those dependent on wild game for meat are at risk.  There is no NEED for ammo to be made of lead any longer.  It isn't cheaper than steel or plastic.  Stop this legislation by writing to your senators and representatives and President Obama.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stop Plastic From Killing Ocean Animals

Stop Plastic From Killing Ocean Animals

Plastic makes up 60 percent to 80 percent of ocean debris; there are 3 million tons of it in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The same durability we value in plastic makes it a persistent pollutant.

Sign the petition and be responsible with your plastics.  Recycle, Reuse!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GMO equals "Poison Apple"

I just told the #USDA that consumers don't need #GMO apples! Join @justlabelit & send your comment to the @USDA today

A new apple entitled "Arctic Apple" is being developed by a Canadian GMO lab which contains a BACTERIUM supposedly increasing the "anti-oxident" level of the fruit so it doesn't turn brown when cut.  But what this bacterium will do in the human body is NOT fully studied!

Which would you rather give your child?  Would you rather an apple you know was organically grown and lovingly tended by a responsible orchardist, even if that apple turns a little brown when  it's cut or a "pristine" white fleshed apple that never turns brown but may cause your child to die of cancer?

Open your eyes.  Big Ag business and Big Pharmacy business is trying to KILL 80% of the nation's population.  STOP LETTING THEM.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stop Plastic From Killing Ocean Animals

Stop Plastic From Killing Ocean Animals

Thousands of TONS of plastics in the ocean endangers ALL sea life and ultimately ALL LIFE on this planet ... including YOURS..Sign the petition!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

organicconsumers -- Message Confirmation

organic consumers -- Message Confirmation  Write your congress persons!  Stop Monsanto and the Biotech AG business from circumventing the LAW!  We CAN stop them if enough of us speak up!

Friday, June 15, 2012

organicconsumers -- Message Confirmation

organicconsumers -- Message Confirmation

Stop Monsanto!

Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto: Appeal Filed!

Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto: Appeal Filed!
Sign the petition and put this MONSTER GREEDY corporation in its place!   The Genetically Modified Organisms produced by Monsanto is KILLING us!  THEY know it, they don't care.  Their only concern is PROFITS.  Don't let greed kill your family.  Support any and all efforts to shut Monsanto down!


Already 95% of what you buy in your local grocery store is POISONED by Monsanto.  This company needs to be destroyed.  Support the farmers and support GMO Labeling laws in your state.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems

Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems

Foreign companies who have a 0 track record of controlling toxic mining waste want to steal Bristol Bay Alaska from the First Americans and others who live there.  They want to mine copper from the headwaters of Bristol Bay and bring large draft shipping into Crooks Inlet the only place the last surviving 284 Baluga whales live.  All in the name of profit.

They've been told "NO" by the towns ... they've been told "NO" by the First Americans of the area but allowing the beauty that is Alaska to be a legacy for future generations they'd rather have profits now.

Watch the video, sign the petition AND write to the State Officials of Alaska and tell them "NO" as well.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Socialism is Thriving in Michigan

The state of Michigan must have accepted a huge bribe from the Factory Livestock industry because now they are waging war on their own family farmers.  The Department of Natural Resources, which had an "Invasive Species Order" which was originally enacted to help the Coast Guard stop ocean going ships from dumping their sea life infested "bilge" into Lake Michigan has just added an order that will effectively close down every family farm in Michigan that open range raises pigs.  The addendum to the ISO has such a wide range of "markers" for it's concept of "feral" pigs that virtually every species other than the Chester White would fall under their "order" to kill.  Without "due process" or "warrents" the DNR agents can come onto a farm, shoot all the pigs AND arrest the farmer for felony 'invasive life"!  Besides the arrest the farmer's family, now devoid of husband and father, and maybe all male ranch hands will be fined $100.  A DAY for any pigs or piglets that still exist!

Here's the article

What can you do about it?  Even if you do not live in Michigan write the governor and tell him to stop this nonsense.,4668,7-277-57827-267869--,00.html

This "order" is in violation of the Constitution of the United States and probably the Constitution of Michigan as well.  It is socialism at it's worst.  And who do you think is "ENDORSING" this move?  The Michigan Pork Producers Association ... the Factory Farm Piggeries, of course.

I urge you to read the articles, listen to the interview, watch the video then write or better yet, call the Michigan Governor's office and express your outrage.
The American Revolution began because of the governance by King George making random decisions for the colonists without listening to their needs.  Now Michigan is doing it again, and like the farmers and home industry people of early America, the farmers of Michigan are gearing up for war.

If you would like to contribute to the effort go here and do what you can:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

organicconsumers -- Message Confirmation

organicconsumers -- Message Confirmation    Agent Orange is STILL in use in the USA.  Get this killer off the market!  Look at the videos, read the article and SIGN THE LETTER!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Being a responsive citizen is easier than ever

Being politically responsible in America is a thousand times easier now that there is an internet. The White House and every Senator and Representative now has e-mail. Virtually every American has access to a computer and taking just a few minutes to let your elected representatives know how you feel about any issue has gotten as easy as writing an email.

There is no longer any excuse for anyone to say “Well what difference will my message make?”, no excuse at all. Your voice does make a difference! Go to and type in your zipcode to find your Senator's email address. If you own your own computer, bookmark the page. Go to and do the same. Any time an issue which can be handled in Washington, DC comes up, take that few minutes to let your elected officials know your opinion. Someone in every office does read your message and if enough people send essentially the same opinion they elected officials do respond. Last December and again this February, President Obama asked America to write a short note as to what losing $40 a week would mean to their life and thousands of people responded and got the payroll tax reform passed. This happened not once but twice and Congress listened! Your voice does matter!

Take the time to find out whom to write and take the time to do it. People who complain about our government but do not take the time to vote or to let the people who can do something about the subject know how you feel is not being American. Your freedoms and privileges as an American are unique in the world and they didn't come free by just being born here. Like your privilege to drive, nothing is guaranteed. Being a good American means raising your voice and being heard. By email and by voting. Our military people won your right to have a voice but it is your responsibility to uphold that right by action.

Go to to find a listing for your state level Senator and Representative as well. They, too have email and every message is read. Keep them in the loop of your opinion on things that affect your state. Bookmark their pages as well.

If you do not do your part to participate in the governance of your state and country you have no right to voice your opinion openly. If you want to be heard then tell the people who can do something about it, not just your neighbors or the guys at the club. Remember, Freedom isn't Free … it cost participation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

America's Arctic: Thank You: Save BioGems

America's Arctic: Thank You: Save BioGems Help stop the American Oil Cartel from destroying the last natural wild land in America. Sign the petition, call your congress persons!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stand Up and be Counted!

A young friend of mine wrote a diatribe that I feel everyone should not only read but send to their elected officials.  It is mostly a complaint about the treatment of those who are part of the "Occupy" movement but there are other issues here and I think it bears repeating until every single American has heard it enough times to get off their complacent buttocks and DO SOMETHING about our "representative" government.

You don't remember what to do?  Let me refresh your memory.  Every Senator and Representative has an "open office" address/website/phone number.  You can go to to find out who your senator's information and input your zip code and get the contact details of your district representatives (or all of them from your state if you know all the zip codes). gets you to the White House email and believe me, Obama's staff reads every single email they get!  Recently he asked the American people to email him "What $40.00 means to me" as a way of convincing Congress to pass a new tax relief bill.  In TWO DAYS  he received 40,000 letters and used them to SHAME the Republican congress into passing a stop-gap law for the working people.

Below is Jared's letter which has been mailed to congress and the White House.  Copy it, put your name on it and do the same.  I did.

-Diatribe of a concerned American citizen
I am a young American male.
At this moment, that isn’t what’s important. What is important, however, is my prerogative to express the following thoughts to other Americans and world citizens, young and old, male and female who can read and understand what I have to say.
Because I believe in this country and love what this country represented at its conception.
Because I believe in the freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right of the people to peacefully assemble and protest their grievances.
I can say, with complete certainty regarding the sum total of my academic upbringing thus far, that the founding fathers of this nation would have been utterly appalled at its current condition, and outraged at the police crackdown upon citizens conducting peaceful protests demanding that their voices be heard which have occurred nationwide and continue to occur despite persistent public outcry. The people who choose to speak out have been stymied by the vile and reprehensible machinations of a system which seeks to suffocate and de-legitimize their cause at every turn.  
They say we do not have a purpose, that we do not have an achievable goal. We do now.
That is because this movement is growing. It is growing spontaneously in all directions, in every part of the country, grasping for a solution to stabilize the social structure. It is a movement that will not fade away; it is destined to grow because it is rooted in a fundamental human need, having arisen as a consequence of our civilization.
That need is to achieve social harmony.
This is a very simple doctrine rooted in pure equilibrium, presenting the individual with the opportunity to advance and achieve a reasonable standard of living through his or her own hard work.  This is not to say that we are naïve enough to delude ourselves into thinking that we can, in our lifetime, live in a utopia. Rather, all we can do is lean towards it. However, the argument stands firm that we are not content to settle for the rampant corruption that is currently in place, we should therefore oppose it.
We oppose corporate cronyism that lines the pockets of politicians with virtually unlimited resources to influence votes and control the political process.
We oppose UC Davis cops who pepper spray students sitting and demonstrating peacefully.
We oppose the bulldozing of tent cities organized in ‘Public’ parks, and the subterfuge of the propaganda machine labeling them ‘unsanitary’ and ‘unlawful’. The destruction of public forums only strengthens the legitimacy of the cause.
We oppose multi-billion dollar bailouts for banks and the big three. (Ford, GM, Chrysler). Let them founder like a sinking ship, and have another entity take its place, as should be the natural cycle of economic renewal.
We oppose an administration that would have the gall to present us with a health care reform that essentially forces us to purchase a service, and in so doing, choosing to spoon feed us as though we were infants.  
We oppose a government that represses our right to voice our frustration at its incompetence. We oppose SOPA, and any form of censorship whatsoever. We oppose a government which permits itself to spy on its citizens and seeks to detain them without due warrant or trial.
These are the desperate tactics of a government whose aim is to suppress and distort the truth by utilizing the media as a powerful tool of propaganda, assured that any dissenters would be labeled “Terrorists”, effectively becoming an enemy of the state. It is a system which is using fear and ignorance as coercive tools to undermine any resistance being forged among the populace.
The moniker of “Homegrown terrorism” will be applied to grassroots groups which represent the greatest ideological threat to the current system in place. The most magnanimous among them will be labeled anti-American or Anti-Christian. Trouble makers, dissenters, radicals, and any other politically correct term they can muster, true to an Orwellian vision of a nightmare society.
 When the individual voice is drowned out and complacent ignorance is indoctrinated into the hearts of men who are placated by mindless entertainment and brainwashed to accept their roles as slaves in a machine to serve the elite, will the corruption of the current system flourish, but the seed of unrest is ever present.  This system is the antithesis of free enterprise. It is a form of extreme corporate capitalism that knows no boundary or national border. It exists in Socialist China, and it exists in the United States.  It exists worldwide. This is what happens when an extraordinarily vast amount of wealth is locked up in vaults by the inordinately powerful elite. These elite receive tax breaks and benefits, while the masses are left to suffer being kept in a control loop of easy credit and consequent debt, living a life of indentured servitude to corporate entities which eliminate their benefits and treat them as though they were disposable.  It is an unbalanced system which seeks to focus and concentrate power only to the select few elite, and it favors the form of government that is most sympathetic in supporting it.  
 This abject favoritism to the elite extends to every facet of American society. Keep in mind that traitorous corporations are not penalized and taxed for outsourcing jobs and weakening the foundation of the American workforce and the American manufacturing base.
Our protests are occurring as more people awaken from a sleep of fear and ignorance. We protest the disproportionate salary ratio of CEOs to their blue collar workers who are collectively busting their asses to feed their families while they struggle to keep themselves sheltered.
Our protests will continue. Though they should remain civil and non- violent, the option for self-defense should never be discarded. I adamantly stress this point as a last resort, solely for the fact that there is no absolute certainty that the government may not hesitate to use lethal force against American citizens. The founding fathers of our nation anticipated this and installed the second amendment for many logical reasons.  Despite what the propaganda machine may have you believe, they supported dissent against tyranny, and the ability for the common citizen to overthrow a government should it become harmful to its people.  We shall strive to remain peaceful, but persistent.
We have before us a bloody world history of uprising should we open our eyes.  The French revolution. The October revolution. Tiananmen square. We have Tunisia. Egypt, Libya, Syria. All of these are examples we can learn from and interpret meaning behind their causes.  Only through education can we free ourselves from ignorance.  There will always be those who will decry our cause as mere lamentations, seeking only to twist and contort our message.  Have we become so desensitized and jaded that we have forgotten the necessity of having to fight for our rights? The only noble option is to stand firm in our individual belief, which is truly a unique American characteristic.  We will not be silent. We are the 99%.
Only until the day comes that police have opened lethal fire upon protesting American citizens has the government truly lost all legitimacy and descended into totalitarianism.  Only then should we be prepared to give our lives without fear, for the distinct honor of preserving our liberty and freedom. Only then are we to take up patriot arms against a system which deserves a regime change.      
 – Jared Kramer
Atlanta, Georga