Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems

Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems

Foreign companies who have a 0 track record of controlling toxic mining waste want to steal Bristol Bay Alaska from the First Americans and others who live there.  They want to mine copper from the headwaters of Bristol Bay and bring large draft shipping into Crooks Inlet the only place the last surviving 284 Baluga whales live.  All in the name of profit.

They've been told "NO" by the towns ... they've been told "NO" by the First Americans of the area but allowing the beauty that is Alaska to be a legacy for future generations they'd rather have profits now.

Watch the video, sign the petition AND write to the State Officials of Alaska and tell them "NO" as well.