So why isn’t the world beating a path to their door? Why else … money. The problem is that this cure is an old, ancient, (discovered in 1864) unpatentable drug called diychloroacitate or DCA.
The original research material can be found at The University of Alberta is willing to share this data with any independent lab that is willing to pursue this path. Isn’t it time to get a cure out there?
If the normal cells of the body shut off the mitochondria which has the “kill switch” then the cancerous cell can grow indefinitely as long as it gets food (which requires the host to be alive). These cancerous cells also produce lactic acid (which is the cause of the disease called Gout) and this breaks down the walls of the damaged cells next to the cancerous ones. Then the cancer cells pushes it’s destructive chemical nature into those adjoining cells making them cancerous and you have the beginnings of tumors. The blood vessels nearby get damaged by the lactic acid and the cancerous cells get into the blood stream and now you have cancers all through the body and eventually the patient dies. Any process that disrupts the basic structure of a cell is a “metabolic” disease so why are we treating the byproducts of cancer instead of the cause? Same answer as why the major Pharmaceutical companies don’t do the DCA process … money. They make a fortune off the cancer meds on the market today and they can’t make money on DCA.
Contact any local medical research facility and badger them to get into this research. Call your local and national congressional representatives about getting some money into this research. Don’t let Big Pharmaceutical ruin more lives with their expensive drugs.